Well " kick50r" I am " The Rebel " who started this O.P. If you are interested, the way I look at it is that, it was a very grave mistake of me to label my O.P heading " Won't get fooled again.... Moon Landing" as it implied I didn't believe man landed on the moon, and it also implied I had evidence to support the claim. Such a conclusion was however pure fantazy.
To clarify, now wiser to Internet debate,I would never start a new O.P " The National Socialist revolution was the revolution against the spirit of cosmopolitan tastes" because I believe I would find the thread fall of banal, stupid conversation, allowing opportunity for posters who like to create controversy.
However I have learnt starting threads about the brands of different chocolates, or about berry picking, are never banal, stupid threads, because although not serious they have away of discovering the hearts and minds of posters and developing in to O.Ps of far greater meaning than the O.P suggested.
The Rebel.
P.s " Kick50r" whilst you suggest DJS bullied me on this thread, it would be remiss of me not to mention it was a very short winter, and on other threads we get on great.